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Doctor Who and the X-Men: The Rewrite of the Original, or The Director’s Cut – Part 4

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Part 4.

(Back in the SOL)
All: [singing] Deedle doodle door!


After the TARDIS has travelled to Universe-616, the Doctor has entered the co-ordinates of Earth-616, but somehow something is is blocking the TARDIS, as soon as it reaches the outer edges of the Solar System.
Adric said “The TARDIS scanners are indicating a huge facility with thousands of inhabitants, of various alien races, beyond the orbit of Pluto.” “It appears to be a transmat terminus, due to the energies which are being generated there”, the Doctor commented. “We’ll have to materialise there first”
“Doctor, is Earth-616 the same as our own Earth Prime?” asked Arturo.
“No, it is not. I am sorry.” the Doctor replied.
Continue reading Doctor Who and the X-Men: The Rewrite of the Original, or The Director’s Cut – Part 4